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Approve listings (brokers only)

A broker can enable his/her agents to enter their own listings, yet prevent the listings from being available on the MLS until the broker approves them (if your MLS has enabled this feature).

To approve a listing

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Office Menu.
  2. Select the appropriate office (if applicable).
  3. Click Unapproved Listings. The number of unapproved listings for the office, if any, displays next to the menu item.
  4. Click the listing number.
  5. From the Revise Listing menu, select Listing Information.
  6. Locate the Listing Approved field (scroll down, if necessary), and set it to Yes.
  1. Click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.

NOTE: If you do not see the menu item Unapproved Listings, then your MLS does not use this feature.

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